Siberian Larch Decking

Siberian Larchis a naturally durable decking that can be oiled and stained or left untreated. We supply heartwood Siberian Larch from sustainable sources that are FSC Certified. Siberian Larch is a highly resinous wood and extremely hard wearing, making it one of the toughest and most durable softwoods available.Our decking profile is reversible and gives you the option of choosing a reeded or smooth side.We can supply Siberian Larch decking with a maintenance free old look preaged preweathered sertiwood treatment which gives the decking a silvery grey look. We can supply our Siberian larch timber decking with anti-slip or non-slip inserts. This is why our Siberian Larch is premium grade, we only source the highest quality Siberian Larch for our decking. It is sourced from the forests in the Northern Siberian regions of Irkutsk in Russia, an area that experiences long cold winters and short summers. Wood from this harsh climate is much sought after for its natural growth characteristics – exceptionally slow-growing and therefore dense, with a tight grain. Siberian Larch is also known as Russian Larch or Larix sibirica.

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